Thursday, April 11, 2013

Welcome to The EverywhereMan!

Welcome to The EverywhereMan!

As it turns out, the Everywhere Man is also a Batman villain. Everywhere Man is a friend of Bruce Wayne and a scientist who creates a machine that allows him to make multiple versions of himself, which he uses to steal expensive art.

While we have no intention of stealing expensive art, we do wish that sometime we could duplicate ourselves and travel everywhere, anytime we want. Alas, we are no scientists or mad geniuses. We are only people who love to travel, eat, watch movies and broadway plays and, essentially, enjoy life. I know, I know, that sounds all hedonistic and shallow, but please do bear with us.  Didn't Mark Twain say:

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness."

In a simpler manner of speaking, we want to to travel and experience all of which that life has to offer, so that we can understand the world better, how it works, how it can be both ugly and beautiful or how truly beautiful it is even when it's ugly, and more importantly, how it can change you, for better or worse (but hopefully for better) without you even knowing it. Or you know, sometimes, we're just bored or on the edge of cabin fever.

But we may be jumping way ahead of ourselves. For now, let it be as it is, we wish to experience life for what it is.

But the most important thing you should know about us is this: we are dirt poor.  No, seriously, we have nothing. So most of our entries will explore the city we are currently in: New York City. But every now and then, we might get lucky, and get to visit other places outside this wonderful city. And because we're dirt poor and cheapskates who can't afford to travel outside the city every week, we would also be talking about the shows and movies we watch and the music we listen to.

It should also be no surprise that we love people. I think that anyone who loves traveling as much as we do would inevitably have a special interest in humanity - and here humanity is a broad category that includes the fashionable and the weirdoes.

Also, we have no delusions of being experts on anything. This is not TripAdvisor. This is mostly how we see the world. So there.

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